Strawberry Satsuma Champagne Sangria

by Brennans Market Admin

Tags: Satusma
Serving Size: Serves 4


6 Satsuma Mandarins
8oz Strawberries, hulled
1 pint Raspberries
750-ml Sparkling Wine, Chilled
6 oz Grand Marnier
4 oz Club soda
2 oz Cherry Brandy (Kirsch)
fresh mint, for garnish

Adapted From:

A tasty take on a Winter Sangria featuring delicious Satsuma Mandarins. Depending on your taste, use a dry or sweet Sparkling

Add 2 of the satsuma oranges, the strawberries and raspberries to a large punch bowl or pitcher. Juice the remaining 4 satsumas – you want about 1/2 or 2/3 cup of orange juice. Add the champagne, Grand Marnier, club soda and brandy to the bowl and stir everything together. Taste the sangria and if it’s not sweet enough for you, add some simple syrup (equal parts sugar and water, boiled then cooled to room temperature) until it reaches the desired sweetness. Serve with a garnish of fresh mint.

You can definitely make this ahead of time and store it in the fridge, but making it to far in  advance may cause it to lose some of the bubbles.